"A House is Not a Home" - Vienna Design Week 2023

A multimedia exhibition and happening spanning design, gastronomy, performance/installation and photography. A House is Not a Home brings into question concepts of living, consumption and “occupation” (“space”, “home”, ownership) in art, culture and society by offering up various artistic expressions.

28-30 September, 2023. Part of Vienna Design Week 2023

Curation: Tonica Hunter

Location and co-organisers: Never At Home

Artists: Alexandra Stanić, Daliah Touré, Rehema Chachage, Brooklyn J. Pakathi, Galerie Zippenfenig featuring Helmut Palla, Vera Grillmaier, Simone Raihmann, and Laurène Southe

“A chair is still a chair, even when there's no one sittin' there

But a chair is not a house and a house is not a home.

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A room is still a room, oh, even when there's nothin' there but gloom

But a room is not a house and a house is not a home.” - lyrics from A House is Not A Home (song) ​​1964


is a researcher, curator & cultural producer based in Vienna, Austria.