endlich, ein "wokes" Thema - Burgtheater Wien

A two part discursive programme for the show "Cypressenburg" - the first Black female-directed, BIPOC-only cast to play at the Burgtheater. The aim of the programme is to bring local, diverse experts from the creative field in Austria to tease out the themes of the play and bring them to life via discussion and exchange.

16.05: And there are many more stories to tell

An expert and cast member discussion on the creation of stories and the retelling of histories and narratives, by whom, in what way and with what audience in mind. With Anouk Shad (Gewächshaus Network) and cast members Safira O Robens and Moses Leo. Moderated by Djamila Grandits.

15.06: 'European Art Music' and the Black Contemporary

is the second part of the discursive side programme "Endlich ein wokes Thema" curated by Tonica Hunter for "Cypressenburg". Part panel, part listening session and inspired by the musical numbers from the play, the talk explores "classical" and "contemporary" musical genres with special guests: Viennese and/or Vienna-based musicians Liz Metta and Ængl. The panel is moderated by Lena Fankhauser, violist, chamber musician and founding member of the Big Island Orchestra Vienna.

Full programme here.


is a researcher, curator & cultural producer based in Vienna, Austria.